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Pasadena- Specialized Real Estate Experts


About Pasadena


Pasadena is a city in California, northeast of downtown Los Angeles. In the center, Old Pasadena is a shopping and dining district known for its Victorian and art deco buildings. The strikingly modern Norton Simon Museum houses notable European and Asian art, plus a sculpture garden. The Rose Bowl is a sports stadium known for hosting the Rose Bowl Game, an annual college football clash usually held on January 1. Old Town Pasadena spans 21 blocks downtown. It boasts upscale retail shops and a wide variety of restaurants, nightclubs, outdoor cafés, pubs, and comedy clubs. "One Colorado" features renovated historic architecture that attracted the new retail stores and restaurants. This development filled vacant buildings and was the impetus of the revitalization of Old Town on Colorado Boulevard. Paseo Colorado is an upscale shopping mall designed to be a modern urban village.


Why FP Homes


We are a one-of-a-kind Real Estate Boutique that provides experienced solutions to distressed and unique real estate transactions.  Our highly experienced team is built around a set of core values that differentiates us from 99% of Real Estate groups in Los Angeles.  We are results-driven, and everything that we do is guided by our vision to get maximum results from highly complicated Real Estate transactions.


If you are looking to buy or sell a home in the Pasadena area, please contact us today!


5 Star Reviews

5 Star Reviews don't come easy.   They are accomplished with hard work, attention to detail, and an outstanding customer experience.  At FP Homes we take pride in our reviews and all the people we have helped in the process of obtaining them.   We'll put our track record up against anyone else in the industry and know we'll come out on top.     


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